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If you are interested in getting involved as a participant, please see the following opportunities below.

Study topic: Type III eco-label visual elements and their influence on consumers’ attentive behaviour and perception of sustainable packaging: An eye-tracking study 

Purpose of study:

My name is Prudence Villanueva and I am a MASc Graduate student at Toronto Metropolitan University’s (TMU) Environmental Applied Science & Management program. My Master’s research study is supervised by Dr. Jonghun (Jay) Park, Assistant Professor in the School of Graphic Communications Management at TMU.

As the principal investigator, I am inviting you to voluntarily participate in my research study on eye-tracking and sustainability labelling of packaging. This research aims to analyze how eco-labels on packaging are viewed and perceived under different label designs. A mixed research method will be employed. An eye-tracking approach will be used to observe participants’ attentive behaviour and will be supported by a follow-up survey to assess their preference between the varying eco-labels. Insights from this study will be used for Prudence’s MASc Thesis Paper. Further addressing the consumer awareness gaps surrounding label confusion, mitigating greenwashing. 


This study has been reviewed and approved by the Toronto Metropolitan REB (REB 2023-475).

Interested? Sign-up!

For further details, read the consent form


Principal investigator - Prudence Villanueva (

Supervisor - Dr. Jonghun (Jay) Park (

©2022 by Sustainable Packaging Research Lab

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